E.O.T. Crane - Single Girder

A single-girder electric overhead crane runs on rails. The crane structure is lightweight due to its single-girder design, making it suitable for factories requiring lifting capacities between 0.5 to 12 tons. It is ideal for facilities with a width of approximately 20 meters. (Calculation depends on some factors)

E.O.T. Crane - Double Girder

A double-girder electric overhead crane structure is heavier due to its double-girder design, making it suitable for large-scale factories and industries that require heavy lifting capacities ranging from 3.2 to 100 tons. It is ideal for facilities with a width of 10 to 30 meters. This type of crane is well-suited for wider factories due to its strong structure and enhanced safety features.

Underslung Crane - Single Girder

A single-girder underslung electric crane is suitable for factories with limited headroom space and light lifting requirements. It is installed with an end carriage and a girder, which are suspended beneath the runway beam.
Underslung Crane
Gantry Crane - Single Girder
Gantry Crane - Single Girder
เครนสนาม 50 ตัน

Electric Pillar/ Wall-Mounted Jib Crane

A pillar-mounted or wall-mounted electric crane or jib crane can be installed in two different ways: either by erecting a new support column or by attaching it directly to the factory wall. It is suitable for lifting capacities ranging from 0.5 to 3 tons. The jib arm can rotate up to 300 degrees, with the design and calculations depending on various additional factors.

Electric Monorail Crane

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